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- If you are an owner, please request to join our private Facebook group.
- Our monthly HOA fee is $160 and we vote on any increases to the fee at our annual HOA meeting held in December.
- The HOA may also charge a $25 beautification fee in the spring and the fall. Projects usually include community space improvements. Check the Facebook page and your monthly statements for information on these fees as they arise twice annually. If assessed for the beautification fee, owners and tenants may volunteer time/labor to have the fee waived.
- FOBs are $25 to replace or if you would like an extra one.
- Parking tags are $15 to replace or if you would like an extra one.
- HOA meetings were generally upstairs in the Marmalade Library — now they are hosted on Zoom. The annual meeting is in December. This is when assessments are changed and major issues are addressed. It is a “must-attend” for homeowners or you may send a proxy to vote for you. Dates for HOA meetings are sent via email and also posted in our Facebook group.
- Garbage removal is on Monday and Thursdays. The recycle bin is the one closest to the main gate and is for recyclables only -It is emptied on Friday. No Styrofoam. Glass recycling is in the blue bins by the fence and gym. Please do not leave trash outside of your front door.
- We have many swallows who come to visit from early spring until September. You may have issues with the mess. Please knock down any nests by your door as soon as they start building in the spring and hope they move elsewhere. Once there are eggs or baby birds in the nest, it is illegal to knock down a nest until the baby birds leave. You can knock down nests in the fall after mid-September. You are responsible to keep the walkway in front of your unit clean all year long.
- Balance Sheet Aug 2019